Fill out the complaint step by step!
When a complaint is filed with the Complaints Board, the consumer must pay a fee of DKK 170,-. If the Complaints Board upholds the consumer's contention, the company against which the complaint has been filed returns the fee to the consumer.
Company information
All relevant information about the company the complaint is about!
Information about ordering the service
Please fill in all sections in the form, if possible!
More info
General information
Full Name
Tel. Privat
Tel. Work
Home adress
Zip code
The complaint concerns the following type of business:
Please specify if other!
Company Information (respondent)
CVR number
Company adress
Zip code
What service did you order (eg company event, overnight stay, amusement park stay) and what agreements was arranged between you and the other part concerning the performance of the service?
Write here
Attach order confirmations
What information did you get when you ordered the service?
Write here
Attach brochures, offers or similar
What date was the day of the order?
The date of the order
Arrangement date
Start on the performance
End of service
What price was agreed?
DKK excl. VAT
DKK incl. VAT
Attach order confirmation / offer
How much have you paid?
DKK incl. VAT
Do you still have a receipt, bill or similar?
If yes, please attach a copy
What are you dissatisfied with?
Write here
When did you complain to the company?
If you have a copy of the complaint / complainants, please copy the copies / copies
What response did you get?
Copy of letters / letters please be enclosed
What date did you receive an answer?
What requirements do you want to make?
If other please specify here
Has the claim been partially met? (How)
Has the company handed over the matter to debt collection?
If yes please attach a copy of the collection letter
Any additional information relevant to the proceedings.
Write here
All material relevant to the appeal's decision should be enclosed
If experiencing any problems by submitting, please fill out and forward the complaint form by email to following: