Compliance with Decisions
A time-limit of 30 days is usually fixed for compliance with the decisions of the Complaints Board.
If in exceptional cases a decision is not complied with, and the company against which the complaint has been filed is a member of HORESTA, HORESTA’ guarantee fund will satisfy the consumer’s claim.
If the company against which a complaint has been filed is not a member of HORESTA and does not comply with the decision, it is possible to have an enforcement of the decisions of the Complaints Board dealt with by the bailiff´s court regarding the businessmen. This has to be within a time-limit of 30 days after a promulgation or after a rejection of reopening, unless the businessmen in advance in writing have given announcement to the Compaints Board that they do not wish to be bound by the decisions.
The decisions of the Complaints Board can be taken before the court. The consumer has the possibility to have the National Consumer Agency of Denmark to empanel summons on the behalf of the consumer and cover some of the legal expenses. The consumers may under certain condition seek free legal aid or have the expenses covered under legal expense insurance.